2024 Cremation Association of North America

During the 2024 Cremation Association of North America held in Chicago, IL, Chris Lehman along with Nathan Blackstock represented U.S. Cremation Equipment Sales and Service Departments.   Their skills and dedication can really make a difference in customer satisfaction and overall efficiency of U.S. Cremation Equipment.   We strive to fix any problem that our customers encounter.

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First annual green funeral conference hosted by CANA

Luis Llorens, our president, participated in the First annual green funeral conference hosted by CANA in Albuquerque, NM.   Cremation Equipment Manufacturers explained the emissions from crematories to members of the Green Burial Council along with ideas on how to market to consumers.   In addition, we visited Passages International warehouse in Albuquerque, a supplier of biodegradable…

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Nathan Blackstock (L), Luis Llorens, President

US Cremation Equipment Attends CANA – July 2018

During the week of July the 8th, U.S. Cremation Equipment attended the Cremation Association of North America (CANA) annual conference in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. This is considered the largest Expo for the cremation industry in the US. Nathan Blackstock, Brian Gamage and Luis Llorens were present during the event. In addition, the cremation statistics for…

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2018 ICCFA tradeshow in Las Vegas

2018 ICCFA tradeshow in Las Vegas

Luis Llorens, Brian Gamage and Nathan Blackstock just wound-up the successful 2018 ICCFA tradeshow in Las Vegas. We want to shout-out a big thanks to all the old friends that stopped by the booth to say hello and to all the new friends we made over that past few days. See you next year!

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